Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An age-old war for dominance and supremacy

By Wilhelmina Orozco

A new war is on between the Israelites and the Palestinians, an age-old war for dominance and supremacy. Why can’t these two people shake hands and be friends? Is it really difficult being a friend to an armed person? What makes arms drive people to kill and massacre communities? Why is there no respect for life at all?

There could be cold war, not anyone moving at all to help on anything. There could be ostracism of each other, or simply dislike without having to want to demolish and/or to act on obliterating the other from this earth. Or am I just being pollyanesque? Is it being a cock-eyed optimist to want peace, to desire simple co-existence for each other?

Yet if we will examine it, Israel purports to be the home of the chosen people. They have even been granted land to have a home to call as home. It should act primarily as a peacekeeper, not as a warmonger or war hawk. Israel is the home of the Bible, the home of course where also Jesus was nailed and had died on the cross. My goodness a lot of contradictions in life.

I wonder how these events will end. I can think of children all over the world, holding hands in the streets from one end of the country to the other in all the countries and wanting peace all over, to stop all forms of war, and their mothers, grandmothers and all grandparents (whether true or surrogate) carrying placards, with captions like “give us breathing space, save our lives – human and all living things, stop aggression, peace, peace, peace.”

But right here in our community, the spies don’t let up in harassing me. The dogs next door are barking as I am writing this, seemingly wanting to stop my writing. Why what’s wrong about writing about peace? What’s wrong about wanting to save lives? Is this already passé? Is this antiquated thinking?

The world has to stand on its feet, no longer on its head. When you stand on your head, you cannot see the world as it is, but upside down, with all your perspectives awry. But when you stand on your feet, you see it as it is, with all its imperfections and perfections that need to be aligned.

Is it asking for heaven, for utopia if we say we want peace? Sick, the world is very sick and some people really want to make it a crazy world, To all those who hold the keys to power. What mad power YOU WIELD!.

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