Saturday, March 16, 2013

Biological Weapons Vs. MAD

By Erick San Juan
Nuclear-warWho could have thought that pathogens (or germs) such as virus, fungus or bacterium can be used as weapons? Back when the time that experiments on pathogens are done to cure diseases brought about by disease-causing germs to save hundreds of thousands of both human and animal lives. Nobody knows that virus and bacteria can be a good weapon for depopulation. Now through advanced technology, the same pathogens are being experimented on against humanity. It seems that the agenda of the evil geniuses funded by the globalists will no longer need a nuclear war to wipe out the so-called ‘useless eaters’ of this planet. Biological weapons are the thing these days to eradicate a large number of the earth’s populace and avoid a mutually assured destruction (MAD) through a nuclear war.
Biological-weaponsFrom the paper written by Mark Wheelis and Malcolm Dando, New Technology and Future Developments in Biological Warfare states that “A number of European countries, as well as Japan, developed bioweapons during the 1930s and 1940s, fuelled in part by inflated intelligence estimates of the biological warfare capabilities of others.
Japan went on to use biological weapons extensively against China in the Second World War, causing substantial mortality. In the post-war period at least three countries the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union are known to have had large, ambitious programmes of biological weapons development.
The offensive programmes of the United States and the United Kingdom were discontinued in the 1960s; that of the Soviet Union lasted at least until its break-up. More recently, Iraq is known to have had a small, but mature, biological weapons programme. The facilities and munitions were largely destroyed by UNSCOM, but concerns about its resurgence in the absence of UN monitoring remain.”
But the question is, the line between offensive and defensive use of bioweapons is hard to distinguish, most especially if the countries developing such weapons are doing it with utmost secrecy. Even the 1972 UN Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) which prohibits all offensive biological weapons research, production and stockpiling programs, has several weak points especially if the reasons of countries developing such research always hide in the guise of ‘for medical and/or other peaceful purposes’. Such practice and lame excuses hold true with the enrichment of uranium that may be interchange (wittingly or unwittingly) between nuclear arms to simple ‘for medical use’, all in the name of peace. Simply put, the convention does not protect against militarized biological and toxic weapons research, development and production. (Source: Biological Weapons: Bargaining With the Devil by H Patricia Hynes)
If ever, in the near future that countries will start developing bioweapons for possible biowar, a biological weapons arms race is not farfetched. Actually the extensive funding for such technology in the US prospered during the time of US President George Bush Jr., right after the September 11, 2001 terrorists attack on the World Trade Center. The possible attack of bioterrorists was given top priority of the Bush era and his synthetic terrorism produced more laboratories through the big pharmaceutical companies engaged in the research and development of bioweapons in extreme secrecy.
As Jackie Cabasso (Western States Legal Foundation) has put it – “With biological weapons, the line between offense and defense is exceedingly difficult to draw … Secrecy is the greatest enemy of safety.” Given the massive US bioweapons research buildup, secrecy will raise the suspicion of other countries. “This bodes badly for the future of biological weapons control.”
The scariest part of all is that biological weaponry involves the use of microscopic germs/pathogens that cannot be seen by the naked eyes, therefore any given population can be attacked and they will never know what hit them.
Some parts of the world has experienced this through disease like the SARS, swine and bird flu, the Ebola virus, etc. and quite obviously, they had targeted populous and developing (and underdeveloped) countries worldwide. And in order to cure these diseases, they have to buy vaccines (also from the same people who produced these viruses), and guess what, these same vaccines will produce other ailments instead of curing them.
Last week, there was a report by the Abs Cbn-Southern Tagalog that a suspected ‘Chikungunya’ outbreak hits the coastal town of Batangas. More than 50 people were rushed to the hospitals and health centers. According to WHO (World Health Organization) Chikungunya is a mosquito borne viral disease first described during an outbreak in Southern Tanzania in Africa in 1952. It is characterized by an abrupt onset of fever frequently accompanied by joint pain, headache, nausea, fatigue and rash. WHO said there are NO specific drugs to cure the disease. In 2007, there was an outbreak in Europe especially in Northeastern Italy. Several other countries in South East Asia were now affected.
There is no escape except for more vigilance and concerted effort by patriotic people all over the world to stop it by exposing these globalists-funded R&D of pathogens that will produce biowarfare for a possible biowar.
Remember the myth of the flu virus that mutate and the vaccines? Beware!

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