By Peter E. Greene
The Windsor Star
The Windsor Star
Rockets are launched from the Thunderbolt 2000, a Taiwan-made multi-rocket launcher system, during a military drill in western Penghu islands on April 17, 2013. Taiwan’s defence ministry on April 17 staged its biggest live-fire military exercise since 2008, aimed at reviewing the island’s defence capability against a simulated Chinese invasion. (Sam YehSAM YEH/AFP/Getty Images)Rockets are launched from the Thunderbolt 2000, a Taiwan-made multi-rocket launcher system, during a military drill in western Penghu islands on April 17, 2013. Taiwan’s defence ministry on April 17 staged its biggest live-fire military exercise since 2008, aimed at reviewing the island’s defence capability against a simulated Chinese invasion. (Sam YehSAM YEH/AFP/Getty Images)
It was interesting to read Tom Phillips’ opinion column on China’s expanding military might.
The article mentions a report by Xinhua, a Chinese state-run news agency that states China’s commitment to a doctrine of peaceful development and that China will never seek hegemony or behave in a hegemonic manner, nor engage in military expansion.
Those countries that believe this statement and are lulled into a sense of security and ignore China’s military expansion do so at their peril.
History has shown us that China has always sought hegemony. In 1951, China invaded the peaceful and pastoral country of Tibet and claimed it as its own. In 1962, China invaded India and captured land in India’s northeast region.
China still claims that the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh belongs to China. This invasion happened just after Chinese leaders had visited India and signed a treaty of peace, friendship and co-operation.
China has built up extensive road, rail and airfield infrastructure on the Tibet India border. The Chinese Air Force can deploy 21 fighter squadrons based at eight airfields in Tibet and other airfields to their north.
China has also built a strategic “String of pearls”, which refers to the Chinese Naval sea lines of communication, which extend from the Chinese mainland to Port Sudan. These sea lines run through major choke points such as the straits of Mandebs, Malacca, Hormuz and Lombok.
China has also built strategic maritime centres with deep sea ports in Gwadar, in Pakistan, Hambantota in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives and Somalia.
The string of pearls is symbolic of China’s rising geopolitical influence with increased access to ports and airfields, development of diplomatic relationships and modernized military forces from the South China Sea to the Persian Gulf.
China talks peace but its actions show otherwise. The U. S. and other countries will do well to keep this in mind.
The Middle Kingdom is no longer confined to the middle.
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