From the point of view of Hannes Hanso (researcher at the International Centre for Defense Studies in Tallinn, Estonia) – “North Korea is in an awkward way a necessary evil that holds regional powers in balance and helps to maintain a functioning status quo. When this delicate balance crumbles, a whole new security structure will need to be found. Nobody appears willing to take the first step into the unknown. North Korea’s leaders seem well aware of the situation and are trying to exploit this to their own advantage; that is, trying to ensure regime survival and international acceptance as a nuclear power.” This could also lead to the final unification of the two Koreas.
South Korea seems to under estimate the capability of the North. SK defense minister Kim Kwan-jin said that chances are not high that the situation will lead to a full-scale war. But David Chase Taylor, the editor-in-chief of, an American journalist living in Zurich, Switzerland, in his book, The Bio-Terror Bible, explained that various islands may be used as the initial staging ground in the genesis of a global pandemic. After a short time, the pandemic will “spread” thus giving the impression that the virus was airborne, had mutated and found its way on to the mainland. Even China is now accusing the US of spreading H7N9 virus. According to Taylor, there are several bio terror plan and a possible false-flag terror attack on South Korea and the most likely scenario is that Japan, Guam and the Philippines may be ‘accidentally’ targeted by North Korea. Is this the reason why the joint military exercises between the US and South Korean soldiers wear anti- biological and anti-chemical suits? At the Jeff Rense talk show last April 10,2013. Tim Rifat was Rense’s guest and he exposed that the US despite it’s policy of preemptive strike wouldn’t dare to attack North Korea because of their intelligence info that Kim Jong-un is prepared to use Cobalt60 weaponry, a weapon of mass destruction that can exterminate a lot of people in days. If the US will allegedly use their bunker buster, the hit will surely explode the Cobalt60 then it will sprinkle like ash fall and mutually assured destruction follows. This is possibly the reason why US Secretary of State John Kerry went to Beijing to seek China’s support to neutralize Pyongyang.
This could also be the reason why Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario was very quick in offering the use of ‘our military bases’ to Uncle Sam if ever NoKor will attack us or the US. But the question is – do we (still) have military bases in Subic and Clark? Or they were conveniently set up for Uncle Sam’s use and in the process our very own people will be used as cannon fodders and the whole country as US military base? We really never learn…
Actually, as the drums of war are getting louder and the Balikatan military exercises will end on Wednesday, we can’t help worrying that any miscalculation or stupid provocations might start a shooting war in our own backyard.
At the Balitaan sa Hotel Rembrandt last week, as reported by Sammy Martin of PNA, former Foreign Affairs secretary Domingo Siazon warned the public that North Korea’s threat to launch ballistic missile is for real. He added that the date that should be watched is April 15, the birthday of the late NK leader Kim il Sung. This could be the day of no return. Bad memories of the past world wars should be a reminder to world leaders not to repeat these bad parts of the world’s history. This time, it will be costly and precious lives and properties will be easily destroyed as humanity is in the brink of a possible thermonuclear war and fast slipping into a situation where a possible 70 percent (or more) of the world’s population may be affected by such stupidity and careless war.
The predicate has been laid, with the current visit of Washington’s high officials together with NATO’s people in South Korea and then in China, possibilities of conflict is in the offing.
Did we ask ourselves if ever war breaks, are we prepared for its repercussions, the bloody results and the atrocities, etc? Even Jim Walsh, an international security expert and research associate at MIT said that ‘the whole system is set up like a deck of cards right now and a accidental war could spiral into an all-out conflict.’ (Fox news)
We have to be wary and let us pray harder as we enter a very troubled times.
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