By Erick San Juan
While there is no scientific evidence that Super typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) was the consequence of global warming, the opening statements at the Warsaw Summit have hinted in no uncertain terms to a verified causal relationship. U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change Executive Director Christiana Figueres, stated (without evidence) that the typhoon Haiyan was part of the “sobering reality” of global warming. (quoted in Did Climate Change Cause Supertyphoon Haiyan? (, November 11, 2013).
In turn, Philippine Representative to the UN Climate Change Venue Mr. Yeb Sano (known to be pseudo left with links to the globalists) in his dramatic address to the opening session stated:
“Typhoons such as Yolanda (Haiyan) and its impacts represent a sobering reminder to the international community that we cannot afford to procrastinate on climate action. Warsaw must deliver on enhancing ambition and should muster the political will to address climate change.” (UN News Center, November 11, 2013)
In a bitter irony, the tragedy in the Philippines has contributed to reinforcing a consensus which indirectly feeds the pockets of corporations lobbying for a new deal on carbon trade. ‘Cap and Trade’is a multibillion dollar bonanza which is supported by the global warming consensus. According to UNFCC head Figueres to quote:
“We must clarify finance that enables the entire world to move towards low-carbon development,… We must launch the construction of a mechanism that helps vulnerable populations to respond to the unanticipated effects of climate change.”
Known and documented, cap-and-trade markets are manipulated. What is at stake is the trade in carbon derivatives which is controlled by powerful financial institutions including JP Morgan Chase. (See Copenhagen’s Hidden Agenda: The Multibillion Trade in Carbon Derivatives, Global Research, December 8, 2009).
The ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Philippines bears no relationship to global warming. Experts believe that social impacts of typhoon Haiyan are aggravated due to the lack of infrastructure and social services, not to mention the absence of a coherent housing policy. Those most affected by the typhoon are living in poverty in make-shift homes.
A reduction of CO2 emissions as suggested by Mr. Yeb Sano in his address to the opening session of the Warsaw Climate summit will not resolve the plight of an impoverished population. (Source: Climate Change: The Philippines Haiyan Typhoon is not the Result of Global Warming by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, November 15, 2013)
The very important issue to note is that global warming hocus pocus has been proven to deceive nations into entering this so-called carbon trade that will only enrich banksters through their corporats. And the ongoing negotiations at Warsaw, Poland regarding this matter is actually a diversionary tactic on what they are not telling the world. That the real culprit for such huge destruction by a super typhoon is through weather control modification (or weather engineering).
Over 1.3 million had viewed this video on you tube with over three thousand reviewed [November 8, 2013 Microwave Pulse Gives Birth to Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) (] a detailed explanation on how weather was controlled to cause havoc and devastation. This is the beauty of the internet. Through videos like this, people are now conscious enough to search for the other side of truth because mainstream corporate media will not touch on this subject of weather manipulation. My regular listeners and followers of my blog site ( are not new to this diabolical scheme. I even have listeners who are doing their own research and helping me out to understand further why such very evil scientific research are threat to mankind.
As what Prof. Chossudovsky has pointed out that such disaster was aggravated due to the lack of infrastructure and social services, not to mention the absence of a coherent housing policy. Those most affected by the typhoon are living in poverty in improvised homes. Another issue overlooked is the Secretary of DSWD who is in charge of the huge fund that will supposedly help alleviate the poverty-stricken populace, but why is poverty is still prevalent? And to date, through the Philippine government request, another 500 million USD ‘emergency loan’ will be given by the World Bank. Now the perception of most Filipinos is that there is really a ‘matuwid na daan’ towards someone’s pocket.
In the face of such misery and devastation, the true Pinoy spirit of bayanihan and hope are very much intact.
Although the government should be wary that recent events in our country might lead to something else.
Manmade or natural disasters can make or break a leadership. Let us pray harder and hope for the best.
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