By Jose Mari Mercader
It seems history decreed her to be the modern day Joan of Arc becoming president of the Philippines despite being just a plain house wife who was recently widowed when her husband was mercilessly assassinated at the tarmac upon returning to the country in 1983. The events just conspired for her – Marcos reached the nadir of his political life and his health went from bad to worst while Cory’s tragedy of losing her husband in the brutal manner Ninoy was killed catapulted her to the presidency without her meaning to.
One million signatures asking her to run were achieved in less than a month’s time without which she would not have dared to be a candidate against Marcos. I should know – in my radio program (commentaries) alone thousands signed the endorsement that the late Chino Roces (Manila Times publisher) brought to me.
The wisdom of Plato echoes today as we see presidential wannabes buzzing around and salivating for Pres. Aquino’s chair with the passion of vultures waiting for the death of their prey.
Still light-years away (2016) and already two prominent politicians have telegraphed their intentions to succeed Pres. Aquino. Vice Pres. Jojo Binay who is also Housing Development Coordinating Council head honcho and Trade Sec. Mar Roxas are already in the arena raring to go. Many more are bound to throw their hats in the ring, anytime. And if by then Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao turns forty he will surely run as he is prodded by political vultures posing as loyal admirers deliriously want him there thinking they can manipulate him because he is less educated let alone erudite to be the highest official of the land.
These vultures humor Manny to run for president and from his body language one can tell Manny is already looking forward to that day. Frankly fellows, if Pacquiao gets into the chaotic presidential race he will runaway with the presidency with the speed of the Flash…only a technical disqualification due to age can make him demur to run otherwise he will be in the presidential derby wholeheartedly.
If and when he qualifies by age limit, no one can defeat him with his larger than life image and the phenomenal love of the Filipino people for him, which is genuine love not inherited from the good name of his parents like some candidates who only bask on the legendary reputation of their illustrious parents and grand parents and the others who pretend to be champions of the masses while they pile up astronomical campaign funds through corruption. Manny on the other hand has his own money and the unwavering support of Juan de la Cruz that guarantee his victory.
But like I said the big “If” is his age. I think he will be short by one or two years to qualify as presidential candidate in 2016, so boys go for it. Pacquiao – the nightmare of your presidential ambition will not be around to smash you in the polls. Albeit, this is no reason for you to start five years early, which is a distraction to your official functions. Binay should devote his efforts in performing his duties as vice president and Housing Development Coordinating Council and Trade Sec. Mar Roxas can pitch in his economic acumen to restore to the country’s moribund state to a healthy and vibrant economy rather than diverting his attention to something that would only titillate his ego or for that matter, his and Binay’s.
It is unfair to the electorate that they be deprived of their services for the offices they are assigned to by the president. If they were in Congress I would scream “taxation without representation is tyranny,” because dropping everything to focus on their respective candidacies ahead of time, is no-no when the nation is languishing in economic difficulties.
Their respective responsibilities impose on them total and absolute dedication and not to set their eyes on a distant star light-years away. No leader can attend to two or three chores at a time and still be effective. Preparing to run for president is a huge distraction to what they are tasked to do for the nation. To insist on their personal and political interests is to put their duties in a hiatus or suspended animation above that of the people’s welfare, which is egregiously wrong. Paramount is the interest of Juan de la Cruz to their lust for power.
Plato’s admonition is very appropriate – distrust those who are desperate for power because they are focused only on their selfish goals. Binay came to the states and has been announcing his candidacy for president (in 2016) and I understand he has been harping about it back home. Roxas is said to have intentions to run for Congress in Capiz to grab the speakership of the House to make it a launching-pad for his presidential aspiration just as Binay is using his office to drumbeat his intentions.
Hey, what is the matter with these guys, they have become so brazen as if the people are simpletons that they can just fool them. No sir, the electorate should not be trifled with or burdened with your ambition of which they could not empathize because it is purely selfish of you. They deserve some respect and attention or shall I say service from you two because your astronomical budgets are taxpayers’ money. You have to perform and not be truant in your jobs. After all you asked to be elected and appointed to where you are then do your duties!
As I recall in my previous column, which I will parody here that we have seen the pestilence of politics to choke the bulging ambitions of presidential hopefuls who are going nowhere. Do your homework first before focusing your radar to the highest star. Remember a watched pot never boils – your ambition is so early. And yet you claim to love your country? How dare! Don’t forget that when war begins hell opens and believe you me wars bring scars. Lastly, pride goes before the fall.
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